“Intellectual Freedom in America Today.” Orange County Public Library, May 16, 2024. (Invited Speaker).
“In the Driver’s Seat: Proactively Protecting Your Library and Staff in Challenging Times.” Public Library Association Conference, April 2, 2024. (Invited panelist)
“A Higher Purpose: Censorship and Intellectual Freedom Today”. Georgia Library Association, Carterette Series Webinar, March 27, 2024. (Invited speaker)
“Obscenity and Book Banning in America Today”, NorthNet Library System, January 25, 2024. (Invited speaker)
Intellectual Freedom Training Workshops for Library Staff (through California Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee). Yolo County Library, November 1, 2023; Napa County Library,
December 1, 2023; Livermore Public Library, December 13, 2023.
“The Book Banning Crisis in American Today”, College of the Canyons, October 3, 2023. (Invited speaker)
Closing Panelist with Lessa Kanani’opua Pelayo-Lozada, California Library Assocation Annual Conference, June 3, 2023 (invited panelist).
"Everything Old is New Again: The déjà vu of Censorship and Intellectual Freedom in the 21st Century" ["Tout ce qui est vieux est nouveau : Le déjà vu de la censure et de la liberté
intellectuelle au XXIe siècle"], Rendez-vous des bibliothèques publiques du Québec, May 12, 2023 (invited speaker)
- "Banned Books: Defending the Right to Read", LA Times Festival of Books, April 23, 2023 (invited panelist).
- "Building A Practical Toolkit for Censorship and Challenges at your Public Library", LibLearnX, January 29, 2023 (Panel Organizer).
- "Back in the Closet: The Censorship of LGBTQ+ Materials", Presentation
to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign School of Information Science course “Intellectual Freedom and Censorship (IS 546)”, October 5, 2022.
- "Spotlight on George M. Johnson."Facebook Live event, ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom/Banned Books Week Coalition, September 20, 2022 (Invited Moderator)
- "Standing Up for Intellectual Freedom Live Town Hall", Public Library Association Conference, March 25, 2022. (Invited Panelist)
- "Prepare Your Library For Today's Censorship Battles." Public Library Association Conference, March 24, 2022. (Invited Moderator)
- "The Enemy Within: Intellectual Freedom in a Post-Truth Era." Montgomery County (PA) Library District Webinar, March 8, 2022. (Invited Speaker)
- “Materials Challenges: Prepare for the Worst, Expect the Best.” Texas Library Association Webinar, October 14, 2021. (Invited panelist)
- “Freedom of the Press, Assembly, and Speech: First Amendment Issues Today.” ALA Annual, June 25, 2021 (Panel organizer and moderator)
- “Can I Wear or Say That? Free Speech in the Workplace.” ALA Annual, June 25, 2021. (Panel organizer & moderator)
- “Alex Gino Live With Banned Books Week.” Facebook Live event, ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom/Banned Books Week Coalition, September 30, 2020 (Invited Panelist)
- “The Future of Reading: A Conversation with Maisy Card, Peter Coyl, and Leah Price.” Montclair Literary Festival, September 12, 2020 (Invited Panelist).
- “Intellectual Freedom, Hate Speech, the First Amendment, and You.” American Library Association Virtual event, June 24, 2020. (Panel organizer/presenter).
- “Fine Free Success Stories.” New Jersey Library Association Annual Conference, (Invited Panelist) May 29, 2020. Conference cancelled due to COVID Pandemic.
- “Fine Free Workshop.” Bergen County Cooperative Library System (Library Administration and Management and Trustees Committee), April 29, 2020. (Invited
panelist). Program cancelled due to COVID Pandemic.
- “The True Story of Being a Library Director.” Public Library Association Conference, February 28, 2020. (Panel organizer/presenter)
- “Fahrenheit 451 Panel Discussion for Banned Books Week.” Sacred Heart Church/Burlington County Library, September 22, 2019. (Invited panelist)
- “Bias, Blackballing, Banning, and Burning: How Libraries and Communities Can Respond to Intellectual Freedom Challenges.” Southeast Chapter of Pennsylvania Library Association Annual
Meeting, December 1, 2017 (Invited keynote speaker); Bucks County (PA) Free Library Staff In-Service Day, October 8, 2018 (Invited presenter); Pennsylvania Library Association Annual
Conference, October 15, 2018 (Invited presenter); Berks County (PA) Library Association, June 28, 2019 (Invited presenter).
- “Controversial Speaker Planned for Your Library Event? Things to Consider”, American Library Association Annual Conference, June 24, 2019 (Invited panelist).
- “Library Foundations 101 Workshop”, Bergen County Cooperative Library System (Friends and Trustees Committee), June 11, 2019 (Invited panelist).
- “Portrait of a Library”, Film Screening and Q&A with Stephanie Zacharek. Montclair Film Festival, April 28, 2018. (Invited Program).
- “Intellectual Freedom in Hood County, Texas: A Case Study”, Presentation to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign School of Information Science course “Intellectual Freedom and
Censorship (IS 546)”, September 13, 2016 (Invited presenter); September 12, 2017 (Invited presenter); October 9, 2018 (Invited presenter)
- “How being a Librarian is like being a Rotarian: Commonalities from the Four-way Test.” Montclair Rotary Club, April 4, 2017 (Invited speaker).
- “Coalition & Resource Sharing: Using the ‘June is GLBT Book MonthTM’ campaign to build advocacy and relationships”, ALA Midwinter Meeting, January 28, 2017 (Invited panelist).
- “Intellectual Freedom for All: Safeguard Against Censorship of GLBT Books”, Webinar, ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom, June 15, 2016 (Invited Co-Presenter).
- “Open to All: Serving the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community in your Library”. Public Library Association Conference, April 9, 2016 (Panel organizer/presenter).
- “Picture books and Challenges: Dealing with controversial topics in Children's collections”, Webinar, ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom, November 18, 2015 (Invited Co-Presenter).
- “Not in My Library: How to handle challenges to GLBT materials”. Texas Library Association District 10 Meeting, October 10, 2015 (Invited keynote speaker).
- “The History and Evolving Acceptance of Collecting LGBT Materials in Libraries,” American Library Association Annual Conference, June 27, 2015 (Invited panelist).
- “ALA Round Table Panel”, ALA Student Chapter at San Jose State University School of Information, September 9, 2014 (Invited panelist).
- “Out of the Closet and Onto the Bookshelf” (various subtitles). Texas Library Association Annual Conference, April 26, 2013. (Panel organizer/presenter); Public Library
Association Conference, March 13, 2014 (Panel organizer/presenter); Texas Library Association Annual Conference, April 10, 2014 (Panel organizer/presenter).
- “Blogging to Develop your Digital Identity: Crafting your Personal Brand”. Pennsylvania Library Association Annual Conference, October 26, 2010 (Invited panelist).